Women's Ministry
In Scripture we see how God placed women together in relationships to encourage one another and provide a place of retreat. Just as God sent Mary to Elizabeth and Ruth to Naomi, He continues to place women together for mutual support, encouragement, accountability, and friendship. At Fellowship we intentionally make a place that you can belong before you believe, although we will always provide opportunities for women to engage in meaningful relationships that lead to Jesus, help women grow in their love for God, and learn to live lives that honor Him. If you are interesting in participating, desire to serve in this ministry, or just want to find out more, email women@fellowshipchristian.org or join our Facebook group “Women’s Ministry at Fellowship”.
At Fellowship we believe that the purpose of Women’s Ministries is to provide opportunities for women to engage in meaningful relationships that Lead women to Jesus, help them grow in their love for God, and learn to live lives that honor Him. This is accomplished through:
Large Group Gatherings
Periodically we gather women from all service for activities
Women’s Small Group Bible Studies
Small Group Bible studies offer a comfortable environment for women to experience a no-nonsense application of the scripture to everyday life. Groups are open to all women who desire to dive into the Word of God and build relationships with other Christian women.
Leadership Development Cohorts
Groups that meet monthly for a year pursuing a deep dive study of faith, growth, and encouragement to be influencers in our families, at work, and in our community.
Opportunities to Serve our MOPS Groups
We know that being a mom is rewarding, yet sometimes difficult. Fellowship has two MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) groups that meet on the second and fourth Thursdays each month; one meets in the morning and the other in the evening. Fellowship Women provides an opportunity to partner with MOPS by serving as a mentor mom, providing childcare during meetings, or providing food for the moms at their meetings. If you are interested, email women@fellowshipchristian.org