Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

Church is not a building where we show up on the weekend and consume knowledge. Rather, the Church is the body of believers gathering and serving as we grow in our love and knowledge of The Lord together. Please find a place where God has uniquely gifted you to serve; our Fellowship family and our community needs every person to utilize their gifts and talents.

CarePortal Response Team

A national network that equips churches with a heart to help local children and families who are experiencing crisis. This online tool connects churches with local schools and social services so that Fellowship can be made aware of opportunities to meet physical needs that families in our community have. As CarePortal is launching among churches in the Greater Springfield area– Fellowship is already on board, pivoting all of our Benevolence and Crisis Resources to engage through the CarePortal network.

CarePortal Team

Purpose: The purpose of the CarePortal Response Team is to meet real, physical needs of kids and their families in our community.


  • Have a generous heart and compassion for those in our community
  • Could involve sharing your financial resources or your physical belongings
  • Could involve being on the team that delivers the items that a family needs

Time Commitment:

  • varies


  • You will get to experience the joy of giving and helping someone in need
  • You will have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus
  • You will get to meet a  need for a child (and possibly their family) that will remove areal, physical barrier to their success

Champion City MOMCo Volunteer

Champion City MomCo (formally MOPS) encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. We want to build a circle of women who love each other like family, because raising humans is beautiful and hard, and having each other to lean on is life-giving. At a MomCo Meetup, moms do activities and get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood - all while your kids are being cared for in our MomCo Kids program.

MOMCo Childcare Worker

Purpose: To provide excellent childcare for the kids so their moms can participate in much-needed activities with other moms


  • Willing to serve joyfully
  • Ability to pass a background check
  • Dependable

Time commitment:

  • 9AM – 12PM or 6 – 9PM on two Thursdays each month


  • Opportunity to make some extra cash ($35 per meeting for adults, $20 per meeting for teens) OR volunteer for community service hours
  • Share the love of Jesus with kiddos

Communications Team

Our Communications Team works with the Director of Engagement to make sure that information is provided clearly and easily for our Fellowship family. That takes many forms including (but not limited to) Creative Team, Service Hosts, and Connection Center/Technology Volunteer.

Creative Team Volunteer

Purpose: The purpose of the Creative Team is to bring the sermon series to life with visuals. The Creative Team is responsible for brainstorming with the Preaching Team. We listen to objectives and description of the teaching pastor and then determine how that can be visualized in a Bumper (Intro) video and Graphics Package for the series. Those ideas are summarized and sent to the Graphic Designer.


  • Basic knowledge of scripture
  • Creative thinker
  • Ability to brainstorm without fear of rejection of ideas
  • Ability to persevere and keep pushing through creative blocks
  • Team encourager who can help draw out ideas from others

Time Commitment:

  • 1.5 hour meeting each month


  • Meet new people
  • This is a great outlet for creative thinkers
  • We usually meet over the lunch hour so lunch is provided
  • See your ideas come to life on the screen
Technology Volunteer

Purpose: We would love to have an individual at each service available to help answer questions related to downloading the app, registering for events, finding things on the website, etc.


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Patience
  • Ability to explain things in small steps
  • Some technology knowledge

Time commitment:

  • One service per month


  • Help people who are confused or frustrated by technology issues of downloading the Fellowship app or use the Fellowship website
  • Get to meet new people
  • Ability to use knowledge you have to help someone else grow in their faith
Connections Center Volunteer

Purpose: Our Connections Center is where people come who are looking for information. As a volunteer in the Connections Center, you will help people find and discern their next step on the Discipleship Pathway, or even how to get on the pathway.


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Patience
  • Ability to ask questions to discern what people need

Time commitment:

  • One service per month


  • Help people who are ready to take their next step with Jesus
  • Get to meet new people
  • Ability to use knowledge you have to help someone else grow in their faith

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 5 // 1-3PM // Littleton & Rue Funeral Home front lawn (830 N Limestone St) // This community-wide event will bring smiles to little faces as kids aged 0-12 hunt for Easter eggs and we share the hope of The Gospel by loving our neighbors well. Volunteers are needed on April 5 to help with the hunt, serving food, etc. Sign up now to volunteer for April 5 and to donate bags of individually wrapped Easter candy, plastic Easter eggs, and/or large carton of goldfish crackers

Pre-Event Volunteer
  • Bring a bag of individually wrapped candy or small trinkets like stickers, friendship bracelets, etc to church by Thursday, April 3
  • Help fill candy bags on Thursday, April 3 at 5 PM at the Upper Valley campus
  • Transport items from the Upper Valley campus to Littleton and Rue (830 N Limestone St) on, Friday, April 4
  • Help set up the event at Littleton and Rue (830 N Limestone St) on Saturday, April 5 at 10 AM
Event Volunteer
  • Parking/Traffic
  • Place/Hide eggs
  • Egg Hunt Area Monitors
  • Easter Bunny for Photos
  • Check In/Directions
  • Food Cooking & Serving
  • Run the Bounce House
  • Prayer Tent
  • Candy Distribution Table
  • Tear Down

Environments Team

The Environments Team works with the Campus Pastor and the Communications Director to ensure that our lobby and other public areas are welcoming and cohesive to the Fellowship brand.

Environments Volunteer

Purpose: The purpose of the Environments Team Volunteer is to create and execute ideas in the lobby and public areas of our buildings to ensure that it is welcoming and in line with our brand. This team also decorates for major holiday.


  • Willingness to Joyfully Serve
  • Ability to respect different aesthetic ideas
  • Must work well with others

Time Commitment:

  • Varies


  • Meet new people
  • Opportunity to use creative talents
  • Will make the public spaces more appealing for our Fellowship family

Facilities Team

This team is a hands-on, get-it-done kind of team. Use your skills and talents to complete small projects around the church.

Facilities Team Member

Purpose:  To assist in maintaining both campuses by completing small projects that could include any of the following:

  • Basic Painting
  • Basic knowledge of building and putting together of things
  • Basic ability to clean and restore


  • To complete projects as needed in a timely manner.
  • Be a part of the Facilities teams and any meetings as required.

Time Commitment:

  • One day a month of a couple of hours or more if available.


  • Using your skills and talents
  • Working with a skilled group
  • Flexible hours
  • Jesus was a carpenter so your are working with the cool kids!


Fellowship Kids Crew

Fellowship Kids provides a safe, fun and spiritual environment where Bible stories, games, worship, teaching, crafts, small groups and so much more come to life!

Fellowship Kids Nursery Leader

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Nursery Leader is to provide a safe and loving environment for children 6 weeks old to 2 years old. Must be prepared to change diapers and clean up messes. Must be able to physically pick up and hold children.


Regularly attend/worship with the Fellowship Family.
Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to ensure the nursery room is clean.
Pass required background check (if over 18 years old).
If under 18 years old, then have parental approval to serve.
Have a heart for kids.

Time Commitment:

Serve once a month (one service per month). Below are the timeframes for each individual campus/service.
  • SNL Service: 6:15PM-8:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 9AM service: 8:45AM-10:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
  • Spring Hill campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
*If desired can serve more frequently and flexible schedule if once a month is too much.


Execute the purpose
Provide a friendly and safe classroom environment
Express needs to the Children’s Ministry Coordinator or Director.


The joy of learning from and being with children
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.
Meeting new people
Growing in faith
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Fellowship Kids Preschool Teacher Aide

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Teacher aide is to assist the teacher as they teach the provided lesson plans and activities. Assist the teacher as they oversee and manage the safety of the classroom. As well as help arrange the material & the room to be prepared for class. Pray for the class and be ready to provide a safe and fun environment. Help kids to know and understand what a relationship with Jesus truly is and model this to the kids. Must be prepared to change diapers and clean up messes. Must be able to physically pick up and hold children. Lastly, build relationships with the kids to provide a safe relationship, which will give them a trustworthy person in their life. Fellowship Kids Preschool Teacher Aide will provide services to children that are 2-year-old to 5-year-old.


Regularly attend/worship with the Fellowship Family.
Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to prepare.
Pass required background check (if over 18 years old).
If under 18 years old, then have parental approval to serve.
A desire to lead kids in a direction towards loving and trusting Jesus.

Time Commitment:

Serve once a month (one service per month). Below are the timeframes for each individual campus/service.
  • SNL Service: 6:15PM-8:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 9AM service: 8:45AM-10:30AM
  • Upper Valley campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
  • Spring Hill campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
*If desired can serve more frequently and flexible schedule if once a month is too much.


Execute the purpose
Provide a friendly and safe classroom environment
Express needs to the Teacher.


The joy of learning from and being with children
Meeting new people and growing in faith
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.
Fellowship Kids Elementary Teacher Aide

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Elementary Teacher aide is to assist the teacher as they teach the provided lesson plans and activities. Assist the teacher as they oversee and manage the safety of the classroom, as well as help arrange the material and the room to be prepared for class. Pray for the class and be ready to provide a safe and fun environment. Help kids to know and understand what a relationship with Jesus truly is and model this to the kids. Lastly, build relationships with the kids to provide a safe relationship, which will give them a trustworthy person in their life. Fellowship Kids Elementary Teacher Aide will provide services to children that are in kindergarten through 5th grade.


Regularly attend/worship with the Fellowship Family.
Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to prepare.
Pass required background check.
If under 18 years old, then have parental approval to serve.
A desire to lead kids in a direction towards loving and trusting Jesus.

Time Commitment:

Serve once a month (one service per month).
Below are the timeframes for each individual campus/service.
  • SNL Service: 6:15PM-8:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 9AM service: 8:45AM-10:30AM
  • Upper Valley campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
  • Spring Hill campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
*If desired can serve more frequently and flexible schedule if once a month is too much.


Execute the purpose
Provide a friendly and safe classroom environment
Express needs to Children’s Ministry Coordinator or Director.


The joy of learning from and being with children
Meeting new people
Growing in faith
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.
Fellowship Kids Preschool Teacher

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Teacher is to teach the provided lesson plans and activities. The teacher will oversee and manage the safety of the classroom, as well as arrange the material and the room to be prepared for class. Must look through the class bin ahead of time to be prepared for the class to arrive. Pray for the class and be ready to provide a safe and fun environment. Help kids to know and understand what a relationship with Jesus truly is and model this to the kids. Must be prepared to change diapers and clean up messes. Must be able to physically pick up and hold children. Lastly, build relationships with the kids to provide a safe adult-to-kid relationship, which will give them a trustworthy adult in their life. Fellowship Kids Preschool Teacher will provide services to children that are 2-year-old to 5-year-old.


Regularly attend/worship with the Fellowship Family.
Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to prepare.
Pass required background check.
If under 18 years old, then have parental approval to serve.
A desire to lead kids in a direction towards loving and trusting Jesus.

Time Commitment:

Serve once a month (one service per month).
Below are the timeframes for each individual campus/service.
  • SNL Service: 6:15PM-8:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 9AM service: 8:45AM-10:30AM
  • Upper Valley campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
  • Spring Hill campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
*If desired can serve more frequently and flexible schedule if once a month is too much.


Execute the purpose
Provide a friendly and safe classroom environment
Express needs to CM Coordinator or Director.


The joy of learning from and being with children
Meeting new people and growing in faith
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.
Fellowship Kids Teacher

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Teacher is to teach the provided lesson plans and activities. The teacher will oversee and manage the safety of the classroom, as well as arrange the material and the room to be prepared for class. Must look through the class bin ahead of time to be prepared for the class to arrive. Pray for the class and be ready to provide a safe and fun environment. Help kids to know and understand what a relationship with Jesus truly is and model this to the kids. Lastly, build relationships with the kids to provide a safe adult-to-kid relationship, which will give them a trustworthy adult in their life. Fellowship Kids Elementary Teacher will provide services to children that are in Kindergarten through 5th grade.


Regularly attend/worship with the Fellowship Family.
Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to prepare.
Pass required background check.
If under 18 years old, then have parental approval to serve.
A desire to lead kids in a direction towards loving and trusting Jesus.

Time Commitment:

Serve once a month (one service per month). Below are the timeframes for each individual campus/service.
  • SNL Service: 6:15PM-8:30PM
  • Upper Valley campus 9AM service: 8:45AM-10:30AM
  • Upper Valley campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
  • Spring Hill campus 11AM service: 10:45AM-12:30PM
*If desired can serve more frequently and flexible schedule if once a month is too much.


Execute the purpose
Provide a friendly and safe classroom environment
Express needs to Children’s Ministry Coordinator or Director.


The joy of learning from and being with children
Meeting new people
Growing in faith
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.
Fellowship Kids Resource Prep

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Kids Resource Prep is to ready everything a teacher in the classroom needs to be successful for the weekend classes


  • Work at the church or at home
  • Ability to cut paper
  • Ability to gather materials from a list
  • Ability to serve on Monday or Tuesday

Time Commitment:

  • 2-3 hours each week on your own schedule as long as it is finished on Monday or Tuesday


  • Dependable
  • Good communication with Children’s Ministry Director
  • Attention to detail


  • Work from home
  • Help kids connect with the love Jesus has for them
  • Creative outlet
The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
Providing a timeframe for parents to attend church knowing their child is being well taken care of.

Fellowship Youth Team

The middle school and high school years of a student are incredibly formative in their life. Fellowship* Youth strives to give students the opportunity to have fun, build relationships, and experience God.

Fellowship Youth Small Group Leader

Purpose: The purpose of a Fellowship Youth Small Group Leader is to lead a weekly small group of students during youth group. Small Groups are broken up by grade and gender. Small Groups leaders lead the post-sermon discussion, share their life and experiences, as well as build relationships with their group inside and outside of youth group.


  • Regularly attend/worship with Fellowship Family.
  • Arrive 30 minutes before youth group begins.
  • Pass required background check.
  • Have a heart for junior high/high school aged kids.
  • A desire to lead kids in a direction towards loving and trusting Jesus.

Time Commitment:

  • Serve every Sunday night during active semester.
    • Youth group is from 6:30-8PM
    • Youth group is split into two semesters per school year.
      • Fall semester runs September 29, 2024 – December 15, 2024.
      • Spring semester runs January 12, 2025 – April 27, 2025


  • Execute the purpose
  • Provide a trust-filled small group environment
  • Express needs to Youth Pastor
  • Attend monthly team meetings


  • The joy of learning from and being with kids
  • Meeting new people
  • Growing in faith
  • The chance to make a difference in a young person’s life
  • Free King’s Island every Summer and lots of free pizza

Food & Clothing Pantry Team

The Fellowship Food Pantry exists to serve those in our community who struggle with food insecurity. Similarly, the Clothing Pantry is a place where our Food Pantry clients can select some needed clothing.

Food Pantry Volunteer

Purpose: Volunteers are trained to serve those who come to the Food Pantry with respect and honor, valuing them as God does, while at the same time, meeting a physical need.


  • Works well with others
  • Willing to humbly serve those with a need

Time Commitment: choose a shift or stay for multiple shifts on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month (Please note – if you are coming to serve on a Saturday morning, you can just show up and let us know you are ready to help. If you are bringing a group or team to serve, please register ahead of time so that we can best utilize those willing to help)

  • 8 – 10AM shift will prepare the facilities, bag groceries, and prepare a meal
  • 10AM – Noon shift will minister to clients by distributing bags of groceries and serving a tasty meal


  • You will meet new people
  • Meet the physical needs of individuals and families we serve
  • Obtain required service hours (if needed)
Clothing Pantry Volunteer

Purpose: Volunteers are trained to serve those who come to the Clothing Pantry with respect and honor, valuing them as God does, while at the same time, meeting a physical need.


  • Works well with others
  • Willing to humbly serve those with a need

Time Commitment: From 9 – 11:30AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month (Please note – if you are coming to serve on a Saturday morning, you can just show up and let us know you are ready to help. If you are bringing a group or team to serve, please register ahead of time so that we can best utilize those willing to help)


  • You will meet new people
  • Meet the physical needs of individuals and families we serve
  • Obtain required service hours (if needed)

Foundational Discipleship Team

Meet one-to-one with someone to help set the foundation of their Christian faith. First Steps Conversations is one tool used to build a strong foundation for Christ-followers

Disciple-Maker Volunteer

Purpose: Volunteers are trained and equipped through to disciple a new believer.


  • Be a Jesus-follower
  • Have experience being discipled or discipling others with First Steps Conversations, another discipleship tool, or be willing to learn

Time Commitment: Varies


  • The personal joy of helping a new believer learn the foundational principles that will help them grow a strong faith as a Jesus-follower
  • The satisfaction of being obedient to Jesus’ last command to us, “to go and make disciples of all nations…”  Matthew 28:19

Gracious Hands Team

Sometimes loving your neighbor involved providing a meal for them. For example, when a member of our Fellowship family loses a loved one, we often generously serve that family with intentional kindness by preparing a meal for after the funeral service. Or we sometimes like to bless the teachers and staff at Lagonda Elementary School with a meal to say thank you for all you do for our neighborhood kids.

Meal Volunteer

Purpose: The purpose of the Meal Volunteer is to prepare a dish for the dinner that will be served to a family after the funeral or for the teachers at Lagonda Elementary School. You will also have the option to come and help set up and serve the meal, but that is not a requirement.


  • Willingness to Joyfully Serve
  • Ability to cook, bake, or buy a delicious dish to share

Time Commitment:

  • We have three teams that work in rotation. It would only be preparing a dish when your team is up.


  • Serving people when they are grieving and allowing them time to spend after the funeral with family and friends without worrying about preparing food for everyone OR blessing the teachers at Lagonda Elementary School
  • Getting to prepare your favorite dish for people who will be so appreciative to have it
  • If you can come and help set up and serve the meal, you will meet new people and build relationships with others on your team
Meal Captain/Co-Captain

Purpose: The purpose of the Meal Captain/Co-Captain is to contact the volunteers on their team and ask them to prepare a dish for the dinner that will be served to the family after the funeral or for a special meal at Lagonda Elementary school for the teachers. They will also work with volunteers to set up and serve the meal.


  • Willingness to Joyfully Serve
  • Ability to call or text their team members
  • Ability to cook, bake, or buy a delicious dish to share
  • Basic set up ability including putting tablecloths on tables, adding centerpieces (already available), and preparing a buffet line for food

Time Commitment:

  • We have three teams that work in rotation. It would only be preparing a dish when your team is up.


  • Serving people when they are grieving and allowing them time to spend after the funeral with family and friends without worrying about preparing food for everyone OR blessing the staff at Lagonda Elementary School on special days – usually one or two times each year
  • Getting to prepare your favorite dish for people who will be so appreciative to have it
  • You will meet new people and build relationships with others on your team

Lagonda Elementary School Support

Lagonda Elementary School is in our Spring Hill neighborhood. We love to plan projects with them or just help in many day-to-day ways.

Monthly Love Showers
Purpose: The purpose of the Love Showers is to shower the faculty and staff with appreciation each month. Watch for a different “Love Shower” each month!
  • Have a servant heart
Time Commitment: 
  • Varies


  • Creative Outlet for your God-given gifts and talents
  • Work with the best team ever!


Photography Team

Volunteer Photographer
Purpose: The purpose of the volunteer photographer is to capture what God is doing at Fellowship through the lens of a camera for usage in promotional materials.
  • Must be background checked if over 18
  • Respond via Planning Center to blockout and schedule requests
  • Have your camera prepared 30 mins before service time
  • Double check settings
  • Take photos (freely, or by instruction) of the service (including people entering, exiting, etc.) without distracting congregants or the flow of service
  • Give contents to Connection Center following the service for upload
  • Return camera to proper place
Time Commitment: 
  • The service or event where you are scheduled.


  • Creative Outlet for your God-given gifts and talents
  • Sharpen your photography skills
  • Work with the best team ever!


Prayer Team

We believe that prayer is powerful! While prayer is deeply personal, there are several opportunities to pray with others.

Prayer Canopy Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Prayer Canopy Team is to cover our community 24/7 in prayer. We are joining with other churches in the city who are praying also.
  • Only requirement is to pray for our community for one hour each month at the same time/day
Time Commitment: 
  • One hour per month – you pick the time


  • A dedicated hour each month to communicate with God about our community.
  • Be part of the solution that our community needs.


Community Prayer
Purpose: The purpose of Community Prayer is to intentionally set aside time to come together to be with God, connecting our hearts with Him. Nothing else satisfies quite like it, leading us to want to love Him back and to love His people. Everyone welcome!
  • Only requirement is the desire to pray
Time Commitment: 
  • We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at:
    • noon – 1PM at the Upper Valley campus
    • 7-8PM at the Spring Hill campus


  • A dedicated time to come together to communicate with God.
  • Be part of the solution that our community needs.


Prayer Hotlist Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Prayer Hotlist team is to be an immediate connection between our Fellowship family and God. When members of our congregation submit a prayer, it will be emailed out right away to the Hotlist, who will lift the need to the Father.
  • Only requirement is the desire to pray
Time Commitment: 
  • Varies, depending on the needs that are submitted


  • Prayer is a powerful tool and is, ultimately, the best way we can care for one another.
  • Know how you can care for others in our Fellowship family
  • Develop a closer relationship with the Lord as you see prayers lifted and prayers answered


Soul Care Minister/Caregiver

Experiencing the loss of a loved one, hospitalization, discouragement, spiritual crisis, divorce, long term illness, job loss, disability, loneliness, or many other challenges can happen in all of our lives. God never intended for us to go through these experiences alone. That's why God has brought us together as a congregation--and why we have Fellowship Soul Care Ministry. Soul Care Ministers are members of our congregation who have received over six months of training to minister to people experiencing a crisis or going through a difficult time in life.

Soul Care Minister/Caregiver

Purpose: Soul Care Ministers meet one-to-one with care receivers—privately and confidentially–to listen, care, encourage, support, and reflect Christ’s presence. It is an honor and a privilege to walk alongside someone who is asking for help.


  • Pass a background check
  • Go through a 6-month training (one evening per week)
  • Be able to maintain confidentiality with information
  • Have a heart for people who are going through a rough season

Time Commitment:

  • After the training, you will meet one hour per week with each person you are mentoring to – you can determine how many people you want to walk alongside


  • Minister/caregivers will provide support for our Fellowship family members who need care
  • You will get to prayerfully listen and help people process their experiences

Sponsor a Child in the Philippines Team

Give a gift of education! Sponsor a child in the Philippines for $480 a year/$40 a month to attend Naomi's Heart Mission Academy - giving them a free education including all their school supplies, uniform, book bag, shoes, and socks!

Sponsor a child in the Philippines

Purpose: Education isn’t as readily available in the Philippines if you are poor. This opportunity to sponsor a child ensures that a child will have the opportunity to receive a quality education, which will open doors in their future


  • Willing to give joyfully
  • Ability to send $40 each month or $480 each year for one child to receive an education

Time commitment:

  • As long as it takes to set up your online giving


  • Opportunity to help a child
  • May end the cycle of poverty for a family through education

Upper Valley Potluck Brunch Team

Let's gather for a meal together to build family, friendships, deeper community, and enjoy each other's cooking! Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share. Join in and enjoy a wonderful time together making a new friend or two!

Kitchen Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Kitchen Team is to receive the potluck items and prep them to be served (cut into single servings, place on trays, etc) and then return the kitchen to pre-brunch condition after the meal.
  • Have a servant heart
  • Know your way around a kitchen
  • Pleasant attitude
  • Works well with a team
Time Commitment: 
  • Starting at 8:45 AM on potluck days


  • Creative Outlet for your God-given gifts and talents
  • Work with the best team ever!


Set Up Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Set Up Team is to make sure tables and chairs are in place for the Brunch
  • Have a servant heart
  • Ability to move tables and chairs
  • Works well with a team
Time Commitment: 
  • Starting at 8:45 AM on potluck days


  • Work with the best team ever!
Decorating Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Decorating Team is to decide on a theme for the potluck and then make centerpieces and serving table decorations to match
  • Have a servant heart
  • Be creative/crafty
  • Pleasant attitude
  • Works well with a team
Time Commitment: 
  • Starting at 8:45 AM on potluck days


  • Creative Outlet for your God-given gifts and talents
  • Work with the best team ever!
Tear Down Team
Purpose: The purpose of the Tear Down Team is to put tables and chairs away after the potluck
  • Have a servant heart
  • Ability to move tables and chairs
  • Pleasant attitude
  • Works well with a team
Time Commitment: 
  • Starting at 11:30 AM on potluck days


  • Work with the best team ever!

Weekend Service Team

This team has many facets as it serves our Fellowship family during our weekend services.

First Impressions Volunteer

PurposeMost visitors decide within the first few minutes whether they would go back to a church a second time. This team comprises the front line to ensure that, from the moment a car pulls into our lot, they are welcomed, loved, and feel a sense of belonging – whether theyve been here for 10 minutes or 10 years. This team includes parking lot attendants, door greeters, and people who man the Hub or Welcome Desk


  • Willing to serve joyfully
  • Welcoming personality
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Dependable

Time commitment:

  • One weekend service per month


  • Opportunity to meet all the new people
  • Share the love of Jesus with visitors and Fellowship family members
Hospitality Volunteer

Purpose: This team works to take care of those special touches to make everyone in our facilities feel at home. They are vital to first-impressions experience once they step inside, fostering a sense of community by providing tangible modes of fellowship including (but not limited to):

  • Welcoming and loving on those in our facilities through acts of service
  • Set up and clean up coffee and occasional snacks/treats (Fathers Day donut wall, Christmas Eve hot chocolate bar, etc.) at services and special events
  • Alerting campus pastor when supplies need to be restocked


  • Welcoming personality
  • Willing to serve joyfully
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Dependable

Time Commitment:

  • One weekend service per month


  • Creative outlet
  • Opportunity to meet new and build relationships with people
Ministry Volunteer

Purpose: This team works to ensure that people are received and loved as they accept the invitation to respond during or after the worship service or other event. They are vital to connecting with people who may be lost, hurting, broken, seeking, or those who are ready to make a commitment or take a next step in their faith. Empathy, love and acceptance are the heartbeat of this team


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Highly personable with ability to listen, comprehend, empathize, and pray with/for those who come forward

Time Commitment:

  • One weekend service per month


  • Get to pray with those who may be lost, hurting, broken, seeking, or those who are ready to make a commitment or take a next step in their faith – how exciting is that?!?

Purpose: To ensure that everyone who wants to take the Lord’s Supper has elements to allow them to participate. Also, help show people empty seats when the sanctuary becomes full and seats are more difficult to locate


  • Dependable
  • Willing to serve joyfully

Time commitment:

  • One weekend service per month


  • Area where you can start serving immediately
  • Little to no training needed
Online Service Host

Purpose: Be an ambassador of connection for Fellowship through meaningful engagement through our online campus services.


  • Be comfortable with initiating and fostering connections
  • Comfortable using computers with multiple apps and screens
  • Attention to detail
  • Reliable and consistent
  • Must have a laptop and ability to bring to church on mornings you serve

Time commitment:

  • About 2 hours per week, primarily during Sunday morning 11AM online services. Occasional meetings during the week.


  • Be a part of the fellowship family that occurs without physical distance limitations.
  • Be part of a team on the leading edge of engagement in the church through digital platforms and tools, reaching the otherwise unreachable.

The Welcome Project

Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings 3/6-5/15 // 6-8PM // High Street Nazarene Church (1625 E High St) // Nehemiah and the Clark County Literacy Center are partnering to lead a church-based, family literacy project - helping our immigrant neighbors learn English and navigate life here in America. This is a pivotal moment for the faith community to come together and make a lasting impact! We are excited to see the Church rise to this calling, extending the warm welcome of Jesus to our foreign-born neighbors. Interested? Email tami@nehemiahfoundation.org

Welcome Project Volunteer (Adult English Teachers with training provided, Greeters, Hospitality, & Homework Help)

Purpose: The Welcome Project provides English and culture learning for our neighbors who are from another culture. We are one of many partner churches coming together to solve a need in our community


  • Pass a background check
  • Have a warm and welcoming disposition

Time Commitment:

  • Tuesday and/or Thursday from 6-8 PM until May 15


  • You will get to help people who are new to our community
  • You will get to meet our new neighbors
  • You will get to help people who are trying to make a better life
Provide Snacks for the classes

Snacks can be dropped off to Grace Lutheran Church (1801 St. Paris Pike) on Monday – Friday from 9 AM – 4 PM.

Here is a list of snacks that are needed:

  • Tuna and chicken lunch packs (includes canned meat, crackers, relish, mayo)
  • Butter and jelly sandwiches
  • Fruit cups (no jello please)
  • Vegetable cups
  • Breakfast Bars (granola bars, cereal bars, etc.)
  • Bottled water – small and regular size
  • 100% juice – individual size juice boxes
  • Cookies (no nuts), full packages and homemade
  • Individual sizes containers, bags, boxes of :
    • Crackers with cheese in the middle
    • Pretzels and cheese
    • Pretzels
    • Cheez its
    • Goldfish
    • Breakfast cereal (individual serving boxes)
    • Raisins or yogurt covered raisins
    • Dried fruit
    • Sesame Sticks
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Beef Jerky or “Slim Jims”

Worship and Production Team

The Worship and Production Team leads the congregation in worship through visual arts and music. Our goal is to create quality music and visuals that create an atmosphere people where are drawn to Christ!

Volunteer Worship Team Member

Purpose: The purpose of a volunteer worship team member is to assist in the leadership of musical worship by utilizing their musical skill to play songs for the congregation to engage in worship.

Basic Responsibilities:

  • Take note of any direction by worship leader during the week (i.e. emails, details, descriptions, etc.) through Planning Center or otherwise
  • Attend necessary meetings and outings
  • Arrive on time and prepared to rehearsals and services
  • Respond via Planning Center to block out and scheduling requests
  • Practice independently to prepare for a scheduled service

Weekly Time Commitment:

  • Practice time (individual)
  • Service and rehearsal (2 ½ hours) Spring Hill and SNL, service and rehearsal (5 hours) UV


  • Community
  • Service to God
  • Utilization of talents for His glory
Volunteer Audio Engineer

Purpose: The purpose of the audio engineer is to skillfully mix the audio signals from the musicians on stage leading worship as well as any spoken content to present a non-distracting sound through the main PA system during worship services.

Basic Responsibilities:

  • The audio engineer arrives 20-30 minutes early to set up the stage as well as turn on any equipment required for services to be produced..
  • The audio engineer should have board ready and patched/routed correctly prior to rehearsal starting.
  • Of very high importance is the Audio Engineer to remain at the tech booth during the entirety of the service(s).
  • The audio engineer is expected to attend any worship team gatherings.

Time Commitment:

  • Service and rehearsal (2 ½ hours) Spring Hill and SNL; service and rehearsal (5 hours) UV


  • Community
  • Service to God
  • Utilization of talents for His glory
Volunteer Camera Operator

Purpose: The purpose of the Volunteer Camera Operator is to usher our online community into the presence of the Lord by capturing the service with cameras. No skill or expertise is necessary, training is provided.

Basic Responsibilities:

  • Be at your camera 45 minutes prior to the start of service
  • Double check camera settings
  • Keep an open line of communication with the switcher operator and other cam ops by using headset appropriately 
  • Turn the cameras off and turn in all equipment to the switcher operator at the end of service
  • Pay attention to service flow and actively search for the next shot

 Time Commitment:

  • Sunday Upper Valley campus 9AM-end of service (likely 4 hours)


  • Community
  • Service to God
  • Utilization of talents for His glory
Volunteer Media Producer

Purpose: The purpose of the volunteer media producer is to deliver the information to the in-house and online congregation through visuals. No expertise or skill is necessary, training is provided!

Basic Responsibilities:

  • Respond via planning center to blockout and schedule requests
  • Arrive promptly to practice to run through lyrics with the worship team
  • Run computer and video production during services
  • Ensure worship lyrics and sermon are switched in a timely manner
  • Turn off projectors and computer are turned off when service is over

 Time Commitment:

  • Service and rehearsal (2 ½ hours) Spring Hill campus and SNL; service and rehearsal (5 hours) Upper Valley campus


  • Community
  • Service to God
  • Utilization of talents for His glory
Volunteer Switcher Operator

Purpose: The purpose of the Switcher Operator is to direct camera flow and help our online audience to connect with our service.

Basic Responsibilities:

  • Direct camera operators and control the flow of online service
  • Communicate with media operator when to put up lower thirds
  • Communicate effectively with the rest of the team through intercom system

 Time Commitment:

  • Sunday Upper Valley campus 9AM-end of service (likely 4 hours)


  • Community
  • Service to God
  • Utilization of talents for His glory