Fellowship is involved in missions to equip and expand the Church around the World


Join us for a Missions Festival on Sunday, September 15 at 4PM at our Upper Valley campus.


Choosing Hope Adoptions

Director Angela Boblitt

Pointing birth parents, adoptive parents, and the child(ren) to Jesus in the adoption journey. Love, programs, support, abortion alternative.

For more information, click Here

Discipling Another


Leadership Team:

Robyn Koch-Schumaker, Ellen Dudney, Kim Griffith, Jerry Dudney, Steve Stroud, Scott Griffith

One on One discipleship in the US and foreign countries.

For more information, click HERE

Fellowship Food Pantry

Rick and Marcia Wade and Team

Providing food, meals, clothing, and prayer to people who need them in our area

For more information, email Pastor Ray Willis at willis@fellowshipchristian.org

The Gathering

Area Director Jeff Pinkleton

Helping to transform men by men who are transformed by Christ. Connecting Men to Men and Men to God; one on one and groups.

For more information, click HERE

H2O Church

Josh and Natalie McPheron

Church planting and student discipleship on Ohio college campuses – currently in Athens, Ohio.

For more information, click HERE

Nehemiah Foundation

Director Amy Willmann

Providing a network for churches and ministries to amplify their positive impact to build God’s kingdom.

For more information, click HERE

Wittenberg Campus Outreach

Director Josh Storts

Ministering the Gospel to students on Wittenberg campus through sports, small groups, servant and relational evangelism.

For more information, click HERE.

Young Life


Area Director Shelby Hocter

Ministering to young people in school settings, inviting them to experience life as God designed it to be.

For more information, click HERE


Davis Family Missions

Joshua and Hannah Davis

Serve people in Cebu, Philippines who live in extreme or moderate poverty situations, focusing on the Gospel/Discipleship and basic life skills.

For more information, click HERE

Fellowship Russia

We have been ministering in Russia since 1992.

Multiple Missionaries and National Leaders.

Pictured: Natasha Kirilova who ministers love and the Gospel to orphans and widows and unwed mothers.

For more information, email Pastor Ray Willis at willis@fellowshipchristian.org

Living Stone Ambassadors of Hope Ministries, Inc.

Our hope is to help individuals and families live in more Christ-centered ways and to help needy families meet immediate needs and  develop sustainable income.

For more information, click HERE.

Mexico - Puebla City

Tim and Barbara-Lee Glessner

Church planting in a low-income neighborhood.  Serving the community with  services such as flag football, English classes, sports camps and family counseling.

For more information, click HERE

Naomi's Heart Mission - The Philippines - General Santos City

Kristie Ward – Founder

Raising children out of poverty into a new life in Jesus. Food, clothing, medical care, on site academy for 300 kids. 5 churches have been planted also.

For more information, click HERE

Peace Mission - Southern India

Pastor Roy Jacob

Roy is a Pastor to Pastors, church planter, and runs a Gospel-centered orphanage for girls discarded by their parents.

For more information, email Pastor Roy at royjacob1930@gmail.com

Pro.Vision Kids - The Philippines - Cebu City

Friedrich and Nancy Lueckhof

Ministering the love of Jesus to the poorest of the poor. Providing food, clothing, medical care, schooling through sponsoring kids. Also church planting.

For more information, click HERE

Vanguard International Training

Dr. Robert Hill

Gospel-centered leadership training in Africa

For more information, click HERE