One Day First Steps Discipleship Training Event

March 26, 2022 10:00am - 3:00pm  |  Fellowship Spring Hill

714 North Limestone Street, Springfield, OH, USA

 Saturday, March 26 // 10AM – 3PM // Spring Hill campus // Discipling Another is offering a training opportunity in discipling, in conjunction with ReviveOhio. ReviveOhio is an organization that focuses on evangelism, while Discipling Another focuses on discipling new and renewed believers. ReviveOhio is holding a revival crusade in Springfield the first week of August (ReviveSpringfield). As a part of ReviveSpringfield, DisciplingAnother will be training members of local congregations in one-on-one discipleship. Our prayers are for a harvest of new believers and to disciple them immediately. There is no greater experience than God working through you to encourage another believer in their new faith. DisciplingAnother uses the First Steps discipleship plan – a proven tool for engaging any believer in quickly learning to disciple new followers of Jesus. This training will explain why you should disciple, how you can disciple, and give you confidence that God will use you! You can do this!

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