Fellowship Institute Presents Crafting and Communicating Sermons in a Culturally-Relevant Context

June 19, 2024 6:00 - 9:00pm  |  Fellowship Upper Valley

2301 Valley Loop Rd, Springfield, OH 45504, USA

Wednesdays, May 29, June 5 and 19 //  6-9PM // Upper Valley campus // Learn how to grow in the skill of preparing and developing sermons and biblical-informed messages. This course will focus on the writing and delivering of sermons through methods that are culturally engaging. The end result is to help students become effective teachers, able to equally exegete both scripture and culture. Instruction will be delivered through a mixture of traditional lectures, Socratic discussions, students writing and delivering their own messages, and mutual feedback/evaluation. The course fee is $49 to cover materials cost. Please register by 5/22 to receive materials by first day of class.
